Saturday, April 14, 2007

Moving Again

I moved back to Santo Domingo today. Every time I move it gets harder since I am slowly accumulating more stuff. My family from Santiago gave me a mug, some bowls and other kitchen items for me to take so that I have things to start my own house with and I can remember who gave them to me. It was really sweet. I woke up early this morning to make them a special pancake breakfast. They really loved that. Then with my little procession of neices, sister, and cousin we all walked down the street carrying my bags of stuff to my stop. This whole having 3 families here is rough. I hope I like the next family just as much since I will be living with them for the next three months!

When I got back to my house here I found that the rats invaded my stuff. That was a little disturbing. They ate through one of my does a shirt even taste good? It was one of my two tank tops too. Ahhh! Rats are not something I think I am going to come to terms with. I am getting used to the cockroaches but rats are just too much. The other week in Spanish class we actually learned the words to La Cucharacha. I never knew, but it is about a cockroach in a trash can who can't walk because the ants ate his legs.

My spanish is getting a lot better. Although I still find the slang tricky. My dona the other day said to me, ya ta. I was like what??? That is slang for ya, esta....already done? They also say como tu ta for comos estas. They really cant drop letters and expect me to understand what they are saying right now.

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