Sunday, March 4, 2007

Volunteer Visit to Bohechio

Last thursday I left (on public transportaion, on my own-imagine my dread) for a visit with another Peace Corps Volunteer to see what it is all really like. I went to Bohechio which is a the end of this long, windy, dirt road where there are no telephones and no cell phone service. Of course that doesnt mean people don't have cell phones or telephones in case they can ever use them;) I had asked the driver to drop me off in front of my volunteers house and so he stops somewhere in town and tells me this is it. I get off the bus and the one of the teachers from the school walks me about five blocks to her house. I think they thought it was better for me if I was hand delivered to the house I wanted. We stayed in Bohechio for Thursday and Friday where I lived the peublo life with electricity on a schedule and water shortages in the town, and then on Saturday we went into San Jaun which is a bigger city so I could see what city life was like. I think I like the pueblo a little better than the city living, but I guess it is early to say. I wont really go into more about the trip unless people want an individual email or have specific questions, I feel like there is so much I could say that I dont even know where to start for the blog. Sorry this one was kinda anti climactic!

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