Tuesday, March 6, 2007

March already!

I can't believe it is already March. In some ways I feel like I have been here forever already and in others its like I just got here. I hear that for most volunteers the days go by very slowly but the weeks pass very quickly. We will see if that turns out to be true:)

I am moving to a campo near Santiago this Thursday for technical training with my enviornmental education group. It is rumored that there is internet access there, so I am hoping that is true. Keep sending them if you have the time and I will make sure that I check it at least once a week while there. Any mail is welcome as well;) Same address as before, that seems to be the most reliable way to get mail. In my campo, I will live with a new host family there. It is hard to start all over with a new family and this is not even my last one! I will get one more host family once I get to my final site in about 8 weeks. Anyways, nothing much is happening here I will write more when something exciting happens! Keep me informed on all the happenings in the States and Japan!

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